How much the information do we have about the electricity, which is essential for the functioning of all the technologies necessary for human life, the advancement of all functions in business life, the communication of people, the enlightenment and many more needs?
Electricity can be produced from a specific source, from transmission and distribution lines to our home or workplace. This goes through many processes during the travel and will encounter many negative effect such as lightning, rainy and windy weather, application mistakes. Some of them reach our home and our workplace, causing damage to our devices and sometimes fires.

Are Network-Related Problems Covered by Warranty?

Elektrikli ve elektronik üreticiler tam bu noktada yaşayabilecekleri sıkıntıları öngördüklerinden dolayı tüm Dünya’da geçerli olan ve azami garanti süresi dolmasa bile “şebeke kaynaklı problemler garanti kapsamı dışındadır” ibaresini ürettikleri cihazların garanti belgelerine bir muafiyet olarak yazmışlardır.

“Şebeke kaynaklı problemler garanti kapsamı dışındadır” ibaresinin anlamı şudur; size satışını yaptığımız cihaz, makine veya teçhizatın üretimden kaynaklı problemlerini (kullanıcı hatası yoksa) ücretsiz çözebiliriz. Fakat olası problemleriniz elektriğin yıldırım, trafo patlaması, nötr veya toprak hatlarına faz teması vb. istenmeyen zararlı veya aşırı gerilimler sebebiyle meydana gelirse, uğrayacağınız hasarı ücretsiz çözemeyiz.


How to Prevent Network-Based Failures?

Because electrical and electronic manufacturers are predicting the precautions they can live in at this point, they are written as an exemption to the guarantee documents of the devices that they apply to the whole world and even if the maximum warranty period does not expire, "network-related problems are not covered by warranty".

The meaning of "Network-related problems are out of warranty" phrase is; we can solve the problems caused by the production of the device, machine or equipment we sell to you free of charge (if there is no user error). But if your probable problems are caused by unwanted harmful or extreme stresses such as lightning, transformer explosion, phase contact to neutral or ground lines, we will not be able to resolve the damage free of charge. How to Prevent Network-Based Failures? The Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) is obliged to pay damages to the electricity distribution companies related to the subject by reducing the depreciation of the consumer who has suffered the damage.

Distribution companies also fulfill certain obligations to conscious consumers by insuring themselves to the insurance companies for possible damages. One of the most important issues here is undoubtedly the helplessness of the distribution companies and hence the insurance companies in the human life and possible health problems in the electrical fires that can be experienced. Because no compensation can bring back human life or health.

Trimbox, which has started a study on the subject, is preventing the possible electrical contact fires that may be caused by overvoltage or network, and pilot applications have been started in certain distribution companies and insurance companies about this subject. Looking at the positive results in the short term, the phrase "Network-related problems are not covered by the warranty" written by the warranty documents of the devices will disappear.


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