The energy produced in the power plants reaches to the buildings and facilities through distribution and transmission lines.Since the transmission between the power plant-the transformer-the building is made via electrical wires, it is not possible to pass completely in front of failures.Indeed, although studies performed on other alternatives, in today's conditions there is no other way to transmit electricity to buildings and other constructions.There are many risks involved in the transmission made through wires, mainly network-related problems.

Failures in Rainy Weather

Energy transmission is mostly provided through conductors.Electrical wires are examples of these conductors.The energy collected in the transformers is transmitted to the building by means of such equipment.The organization between the conductors is due to system components called insulators.The main reason for the electricity interruptions seen in the rain is the damage of this system part called insulator.

Interruptions  and failures in rainy weather do not mean that the electricity transmission system in the area is unqualified.Electric poles and wires are  the weakest points of transmission and and it is inevitable that there will be deformations due to factors such as wind and rain.Not only electricity poles, but also transformers are damaged in rainy weather.

On the other hand, demand for consumption in this weather increases.As the need for light and warming increases, the energy in the networks becomes intense and transmission lines that are already vulnerable are failures to overcome this density.The reflection of this situation on the installations of the buildings will lead to much bigger problems than electricity interruption.

On the other hand, demand for consumption in this weather increases.As the need for light and warming increases, the energy in the networks becomes intense and transmission lines that are already vulnerable are failures to overcome this density.The reflection of this situation on the installations of the buildings will lead to much bigger problems than electricity interruption.

Most of the electrical failures are caused by the deterioration of the current balance.When the imbalance of the transmission lines is reflected in the building, it is possible that the equipment connected to the plant is broken, the parts of the installation (cables, fuses, electric clocks) burst and burn.With all this, if the wind blows violently electrical wires can break. In addition, equipment in electrical transmission lines can be damaged by the wind.In this case, it is useful to take precautions against stormy weather.

Risks Arising From Electrical Network Control

In 2015, there was a major electricity interruption across the country.The reason for this interruption was the growth of a malfunction in the transformers of Ankara / Gölbaşı.Since Turkey's electricity circulation is managed from this center, an uncontrollable breakdown has led to an electrical interruption that lasts for hours.

The losses caused by the interruption are expressed in billions. The biggest reason for this is that the tension created by the interruption has damaged the devices.Moreover, surge arrestors and regulators were not enough to control this over-tension seen in the seconds.

As a result, network interruptions and voltage changes can always happen. It is imperative to take measures against these risks.With Trimbox, it is possible to take measures against such situations.

Protect from Network Failures with Trimbox

Measures in transformers and transmission lines are not always enough. Electricity distribution companies may not be able to find adequate interventions in extreme conditions or may not be able to prevent over-voltage, even if they are present. However, Trimbox allows energy to be set at reasonable levels and keep the systems running.With Trimbox you can be fully protected from network-related problems.


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