Power supply short-circuit protection is absolutely necessary so that the UPS system can continue to operate.A short circuit may render the power supply inoperable. However, in some cases, the internal short-circuit protection provided by UPS systems may not be sufficient by itself. Therefore, it is useful to pay attention to the safety of the installation and current voltages, and to take precautions against extremely high and low voltages.


What Causes a Short Circuit in the Power Supply?

No matter how complicated the electrical systems are, it is possible to describe briefly the events like short circuit.If one of the conductors is broken, electric current will continue through a parallel conductive path.This process is called a short circuit. However, the parallel conductor creates serious problems if it is not at the level to be good for the current.A short circuit for a second may cause a serious fire or cause problems in the installation and cause the equipment to break down.A short circuit in the power supply will cause the device to malfunction.This is incomprehensible when the power supply is not controlled, and in the event of a power failure it is still impossible to compensate.Therefore, the best way to deal with the short circuit problem is to prevent such a situation from occurring.

How to Prevent a Short Circuit in the UPS System?

The main reason for the short circuit is that the transmission line is switched off due to overvoltage or heating and the current reaches the target from an alternative way. It is possible to prevent this by short circuit protection. Short-circuit protection sold as external will work on this issue.


How Does Short Circuit Protection Work?

The short-circuit protection mounted on the power supply is engaged with a backup battery in case of power failure.The basic function of this apparatus is to detect the current imbalances - either extreme high or low voltage - in the power supply and to be activated.In the case of a short circuit, it prevents the deterioration of the tool and allows the removal of the overload.


Is Short-Circuit Protection Alone Enough?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to say that this protection alone is sufficient.Because UPS short-circuit protection can provide stability within the device and it can protect the device from short circuit, but it is completely helpless against high currents coming from the plant, and it is not possible to balance it, especially in extremely high voltage situations such as lightning.
In this regard, to protect the UPS system from short circuit, it must be able to protect not only the device but also the installation.


Does Trimbox Provide Short-Circuit Protection?

Trimbox is not specifically designed for short-circuit protection.However, by ensuring that the high current to the power supply is balanced, it prevents the internal conductors from being damaged due to overload, which leads to short circuit formation. As is known, one of the most important causes of short circuit is high voltage and this problem will not be encountered unless the overvoltage on the device can be reached.